Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Big test tomorrow...hope I pass!

Well, tomorrow morning I have my big test (PET scan).  I've studied really hard and I hope I get an A!  If you don't know what a PET scan is, it doesn't have anything to do with your dog, although that might be more fun.  First, they inject you with some sort of potion that lights up where there are highly active cells (usually cancer cells).  Then they shove you in this big toilet paper roll.  (OK, there is no pushing or shoving and it is a little bit bigger than a toilet paper roll.)  They slide you into the machine and start scanning.  They have you hold your breath for some of it.  The whole thing takes about 3 hours and you're done.
  Then the hard parts begins....waiting for the results to see if all this chemo has worked.   I won't meet with my oncologist to get the results until next Tuesday and the surgeon a week from Friday.  In the meantime, please keep thinking and praying SHRINK!  
Thank you, thank you!!

Take the test...who said it?

Take the test...see how many you know.  (They're all good quotes no matter who said them)
.Famous Health Quotes - Beliefnet.com

True confessions

  I've been avoiding my blog lately.  Several reasons pop to mind.  First, I've been so exhausted most of the last month, I couldn't think straight, much less write anything worth reading.  Second, I admit I have not been the best example of what my blog stands for: hope, faith, being grateful every day, etc.  I had to read my own words just now to realize I haven't been myself for at least a month.  I seriously hate cancer, but I've learned to hate chemo even more!  With each chemo treatment, I've seen the spirit and life literally being sucked out of me.  I also admit I've given in to negative feelings and pretty much felt really sorry for myself lately.  Now that chemo is in the past, I am so hoping that these feelings will quickly fade away with the last of the chemo side effects.  Too little time and way too many bitter tears!!!  
  I have discovered that I need this blog...it's healthy for me.  It just gave back to me a new perspective that hopefully will give way to brighter days ahead.  That alone is worth the effort.  
 Thanks to all my dear friends who have hung in there with me through the crazy summer of '11.  I don't know what I would do without you, your prayers, your support.  So many have reached out to me in so many caring ways, I can't even keep track.  I apologize for the "bulk" thank you, but there are seriously too many who have given so much, I can't keep up.  I guess you need to stop being so nice or I need to kick it up a few notches on the gratitude scale.  Now that I'm starting to ramble (may be the time of day), I'll just say thanks for letting me vent a little.  I'm inspired to try harder and climb higher.  Love to all!    

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Forever Young

Here is my second edition of Sue's concert series. This is our dear bishop (newly released) and his wife. They came over one Sunday night to play and sing. I love them, what wonderful friends. This song in particular touched my heart. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Wow...how time flies when you have cancer!

I can't believe it's been a whole month since I've posted anything.  A lot has happened, so I'll be putting up several posts (not necessarily in chronological order) in the next few days.  I haven't had a lot of energy for blogging.  My last chemo was pretty rough.  They told me that the effects are cumulative, so each time it takes me longer to bounce back.  This last time, I ran out of "bounce".  Before that though, I was able to go to California and spend some time at the beach (thanks to my best friend in the universe, Terry).  More to come later...