Sunday, July 17, 2011

Good times! You gotta take 'em when you can get' em

Andy flew in for the weekend (his only weekend off for months).  We (the whole family) went up the canyon for a picnic on Saturday.  It was so pleasant.  We relaxed and enjoyed being together.  It really wore me out.  It's amazing how little stamina I have right now, BUT I'll trade having to sleep more for making memories with my favorite people any day!  We went up Provo canyon to Big Springs.  It was so beautiful and peaceful.   Just hanging out in the shade was the best! The video is of Uncle Andy playing with James. 
Me and my Kate

I like what's growing in her tummy much better than what's in mine (I bet hers is a lot cuter too!)

Our baby's having a baby!

Dr. Robinson, Me, and Reid

I like this guy!!!

So fun having Andy here even for 2 days!

Sweet baby James

What a happy day

Reid wearing my ugly visor

Auntie Kate and Liam

Crazy flight delays landed him in Salt Lake at's snooze time for Scott

After many 16 hour days, it's time for a nap

Kate and John, what a couple of cuties!

Grammie and Liam

It's picnic time
Rachael and the little chunk

Liam is such a happy boy!



  1. Oh Liam is a doll face!!!! I want to eat him. I think he is taking after Sawyer!!! Tell Rachel to start her push-ups and curls. He is going to be a big boy!!!!

  2. Great pictures Sue! Loved seeing Andy, it's been years. Liam is a darling baby and loved seeing Katie's tummy. Happy times.
